2011年3月26日 星期六

The Hunting House

        Holding a hunting house is one of annual activities in our department. This is my second time to take part in the activity. Dressing up as a ghost to scare people is so funny that I had expected the day very much. However, the day French students came was closer to the hunting house. Thus, we don’t have enough time to prepare the things for hunting house. We were worried whether we could do it well at first. Fortunately, we successfully caught up with the schedule we decided before.
        We asked for leave in the afternoon in order to decorate our classrooms which would become hunting house several hours later. It was tired for us to prepare all of the things needed. After finishing everything, the activity started and all of the staffs stood by order. The topic of our room was classroom, Tina and I acted as elementary students. We squatted down and kept playing the ball. When people entered our part, I would throw the ball and asked them to pick it back for me. Then Tina would rush to the person who picked the ball to scare him. We thought it was funny to see someone was frightened. HAHA….. But it was not always succeed, boys tended not to be frightened, and they turned out to snatch our ball. Nevertheless, the hunting house still be my favorite activity!

2011年3月15日 星期二

The plan for holiday

        We have seven days for holiday from April 4 to April 10. Tina, Miya, Fanny, and I make a plan to Taipei for two days because we think that it is the most appropriate time for us to take a trip to other city. We have started to search some information by Internet, such as hotel, delicacies, shopping places, and so on.

       The first stop is Dan-shui, we will visit the famous old street. Of course we will buy some fish crisp. Then we would like to take a ship to bali to enjoy beautiful sight. In the afternoon, the most important and interesting destination is wu-fen arena. It is famous for cheap and fine clothes. I think it is a good place for those who are students. Finishing shopping, it is time for night market. We will go to shi-da night market to find some delicious snacks. Then we go back to our hotel to rest.
       The second day, we will go to mao- kong to take the cable car. And we may also visit zheng-zi university. For lunch, my friend who studies in Taipei will take us to the restaurant which is very popular. Then we may take the bus back to Taichung in the afternoon. I am expected for the trip very much!

2011年3月14日 星期一

The trip to Lu-Gang

        We made some plans for the French students. And I joined the trip to Lu-gang, which was led by Irene. We met with each other at 求真building on Friday morning. We went to the bus station on foot when all members arrived. On the way to the bus station, I talked with Abour. She is from North Africa but she went to France for studying when she was twenty-one years old. She said that her parents encouraged her to go to France for studying. I asked her that why she chooses France rather than America and England. She said that the tuition of America and England are too expensive. Besides, French is one of her mother languages. And her brother is studying in France now!

        When we arrived Lu-gang, we visited many places, such as Long-shan temple, old street, and Tian- hou temple. The French students love our temple very much! Just like what Careline said, “ How wonderful! ” At the old street, they were interested by some traditional toys, like bamboo dragonfly. I also bought a pack of 仙楂 for them to try. However, it seemed that they didn’t like it. They thought that it tasted like medicine. The place they expected the most is mo-ro lane. However, most of us were too shy to pass the lane.
It had been a long time for me not to visit Lu-gang, and it is also the first time for me to go with foreign friends!

Welcome Party

Today was the first day I met the French student. I was so excited that I couldn’t wait to see them. We took the same class with them in the afternoon. First, we introduce ourselves. When I told them that my name is Jaguar, the French students were shocked. I think I make them confused. HAHA….
After introducing, professor gave us some articles and asked us to divide into four groups. We needed to use our creativity to adapt the story. Our group is to put ourselves into Taiwanese shoes and try to imagine a Taiwanese girl who goes to France. Cedric, Isabel and I were in the same group. We present our story by acting. Our story was so funny that most of the students in our class were laughing.
        As for dinner, we went to “十分有味”, which is a Chinese restaurant to have a welcome party. We ordered many dishes for the French students to have a taste. I remembered that Charlotte loved beef the most, especially with sweet-and-sour sauce. During the dinner, I found that most of the French students love sweet food very much! After eating, Isabel, Cedric and Paw sang some Taiwanese songs and danced for them. And the French students also sang and danced for us! We all had a good time with them.