2011年3月14日 星期一

Welcome Party

Today was the first day I met the French student. I was so excited that I couldn’t wait to see them. We took the same class with them in the afternoon. First, we introduce ourselves. When I told them that my name is Jaguar, the French students were shocked. I think I make them confused. HAHA….
After introducing, professor gave us some articles and asked us to divide into four groups. We needed to use our creativity to adapt the story. Our group is to put ourselves into Taiwanese shoes and try to imagine a Taiwanese girl who goes to France. Cedric, Isabel and I were in the same group. We present our story by acting. Our story was so funny that most of the students in our class were laughing.
        As for dinner, we went to “十分有味”, which is a Chinese restaurant to have a welcome party. We ordered many dishes for the French students to have a taste. I remembered that Charlotte loved beef the most, especially with sweet-and-sour sauce. During the dinner, I found that most of the French students love sweet food very much! After eating, Isabel, Cedric and Paw sang some Taiwanese songs and danced for them. And the French students also sang and danced for us! We all had a good time with them.

