2010年10月4日 星期一

About Me Bag


     In the past, the most important thing to me was watch. This was given by my mother. I remembered the reason for her to buy me the watch was high school entrance examination. And I needed a watch to help me take care the time when I was having a test. The watch was so important to me that I kept wearing it until now. I cherished the watch very much not only because it was useful but also it had a special meaning for me.

Last summer vacation, my father gave me a notebook as my birthday present. I was much moved because I had expected a notebook for a long time. Although there was a computer in my home already, I still wanted to own one on account of that I could bring it with me everywhere. Besides, I was about going to college at that time. It was obvious that I would need it very much. Last semester, I used my notebook to write and hand over my homework all the time. However, last week, unfortunately, my notebook was damaged, so I sent it to be repaired. As a result, I led without computer for several days. It was painful to me because I couldn’t do anything without it. But, luckily, I just got my notebook back yesterday.

     When I was little, I hoped that I could become an English teacher one day. When time passed, I gradually forgot this dream. It was not until I got into this college that I had the chance to restart my dream. I major in English in the college and I have taken the education courses. And all of the courses are used to help us pass the teacher examination. So, the license to be a teacher is the most important thing to me in the future.

