2011年5月14日 星期六

The Impressive Accident

        After the 921 earthquake, one side of my house’s wall was loosening. And it might fall down anytime. It was so dangerous that it must be torn down immediately. Therefore, my father asked assistance who worked for my house to demolish the wall. When the wall was in the process of construction, my father passed by and wanted to see the engineering. He was behalf drunk, and didn’t pay attention to his surroundings. At that time, I had already gone to bed. Suddenly, I woke up by a wretched crying of woman.
        It was my mother’s crying. Soon, I heard the whistle of ambulance, which was becoming closer and closer to my house. Then, I walked out and saw my father was taken to the ambulance with his body filled with blood. He was pressed down by a heap of rubble which suddenly collapsed when my father passed by. My mother and my brothers also got into the ambulance. And I was taken to my grandparents’ house by my aunt. I remembered I kept crying all the way and asked my aunt whether my dad would die or not.
        This is the first time for me to realize the feel you almost lost your family. Besides, the accident gives not only great attack to me but also serious problems to our home’s financial condition. My parents used to manage a KTV. Although it built up from nothing, we still made a fortune at that time. As a result, we lived a wealthy life for several years. However, the accident turned the tide. My father stayed in the hospital for a long time, and the huge expenditure made my family in financial difficulties. For this reason, he had no choice but to close the KTV, and we moved. To pay the debt, he also sold two buildings he used to buy.
        On account of that my father temporarily lost the ability of making a living, my mother started to look for a job. Therefore, I began to learn how to wash clothes, do the housework, and cook meals. I must to be independent because my mother was busy in working. The accident deeply changed the life style of my family. Nevertheless, I think as long as my family is safe and sound, it is enough. And we don’t need so much money to adorn our lives.

2011年5月4日 星期三

Love or Bread

       Love or bread, which one is important? Young people tend to choose love. However, when time passes, they may prefer bread. This question can always initiate a long and minute argument, while it never seems able to draw to a conclusion.
        There are some reasons for young people to choose love. They think bread is just material, and what matters most is heart. Bread cannot buy time, happiness, and especially the person who you want for the rest of your life. If the person is poor, as long as he is willing to work hard, will he stay poor forever? Nothing is impossible when you are with the one you love so much. Without love, even if you have all the money in the world, you would not be able to enjoy it. Moreover, love is an emotion supporting our life. When you lose the person or the thing that you regard as the most precious, it is so miserable. You can overcome all bad feelings when you are with your lover, even when you are in different places. Just knowing that you love, and are loved, and then it can make all the differences. They think to find a true soul mate is more important than to find bread.
        However, sadly to say, bread is the staff of life. Real life is a direct pressure, and it is said that poverty makes a couple pessimistic. Money cannot do everything, but you can do nothing without it. When you have trouble in daily life, will you still only think of love? No matter how steady the love is, it will finally be defeated by reality. For example, as a mother of three children, putting food on the table and providing a roof over the lovely babies are very important. Hence, it is true that love is important, but bread is far more important than love.
        You may first recognize what you truly want. Seriously, I believe that there is a need for both love and bread. Isn’t it because of the love for your family that you want to survive and bring home the bread?

A Good Roommate

        Most of people have the experience of living outside for studying or working in other city. To relieve the burden of rent, we may find someone to live together. In this way, getting along with your roommates well becomes and important thing.
        Some people said that a good roommate brings benefits to you. For example, when you are sick, your roommate can take care of you. I live in school dormitory with three of my classmates. At first, we didn’t know each other. However, we became intimate friends when time passed. We do everything together and try to share many things with each other no matter happiness or sadness. Besides, when I am sick, my roommates are always willing to give me a ride to see a doctor and remind me to take medicine on time. I feel that I am so lucky that I can have such good roommates.
        However, if you live with bad roommates, I am sure that it is the beginning of your miserable life. Since I live in school dormitory, I have heard many complaints from other classmates. They complained bitterly their roommates about using hair dryer while someone was sleeping, talking on the cellphone loudly in the midnight, and making their room in a mess. My classmate said that she couldn’t endure anymore. As a result, she kept arguing with her roommates every day. The only thing she wanted the most is to remove from that dormitory.
        Is it quite different to live with good roommate and bad roommate? Both type of roommate influence you a lot because they live with you and have such a big relationship with you. From my point of view, I think respecting each other is the most important behavior and is also crucial to those who want to have a good dormitory life. If we know how to respect others, I think there won’t be so many problems. And last but not the least, making yourself a good roommate is much more important than praying for a good roommate.