2011年5月4日 星期三

Love or Bread

       Love or bread, which one is important? Young people tend to choose love. However, when time passes, they may prefer bread. This question can always initiate a long and minute argument, while it never seems able to draw to a conclusion.
        There are some reasons for young people to choose love. They think bread is just material, and what matters most is heart. Bread cannot buy time, happiness, and especially the person who you want for the rest of your life. If the person is poor, as long as he is willing to work hard, will he stay poor forever? Nothing is impossible when you are with the one you love so much. Without love, even if you have all the money in the world, you would not be able to enjoy it. Moreover, love is an emotion supporting our life. When you lose the person or the thing that you regard as the most precious, it is so miserable. You can overcome all bad feelings when you are with your lover, even when you are in different places. Just knowing that you love, and are loved, and then it can make all the differences. They think to find a true soul mate is more important than to find bread.
        However, sadly to say, bread is the staff of life. Real life is a direct pressure, and it is said that poverty makes a couple pessimistic. Money cannot do everything, but you can do nothing without it. When you have trouble in daily life, will you still only think of love? No matter how steady the love is, it will finally be defeated by reality. For example, as a mother of three children, putting food on the table and providing a roof over the lovely babies are very important. Hence, it is true that love is important, but bread is far more important than love.
        You may first recognize what you truly want. Seriously, I believe that there is a need for both love and bread. Isn’t it because of the love for your family that you want to survive and bring home the bread?

