2010年12月26日 星期日

The Class Trip

        This is the first time for our class to go to a trip. Wayne is the host of this trip because he is recreation chief of our class. After discussing for a long time, we finally decided to go earth’s oven cooking at DA-LAI farm, which is in DA-DU Mountain.
        However, the morning of the day rained like cats and dogs. Everyone was worried about the site and confused whether to go or not. Fortunately, when we arrived the destination, the rain stopped and the weather became sunny. All of us were happy about that, and we soon started to build the kiln by soil.

     After constructing the kiln, we put the food like corns, potato, and chicken into the kiln. It took about two hours for the food to be cooked. Hence, we played some games to kill the waiting time. The process of building the kiln was very hard and might make you dirty. And the time for waiting was also long. Therefore, when the food was cooked, everyone was already very hungry! Although earth’s oven cooking was not easy, we still enjoy it and had a lot of fun!



