2010年12月19日 星期日

English Waves

       At the beginning of December, we held a large singing competition- English Waves. It is held once a year, and has become more and more grand. This year we expanded the contest region from central section to the whole country. As a result, the contestant increased more than one hundred persons rapidly.
       My job is in the contestant rest room, and I am in charge of helping contestant get on the right place. I love this job on account of that I can talk to them while they are waiting. Therefore, I made some friends from other schools. I think it is good for me to expand my social circles.

       These are photos I take with the contestants.

 His name is 胡利基, who usually take part in many kinds of singing contests and he get the silver prize in this competition.

He is 林煌麟, this is the second time for him to join this contest. I like the song" Gravity" played by his band very much!
She is 黃正宜, who is a beauty and has a sweet voice. Besides, she and I both are big fans of Taylor Swift!!


